$ 249.00


The iCS (imprintable Colloidal Silver) accessory allows you to make your own colloidal silver ionic solution, with the smallest silver particles and concentration up to 50ppm. Also, you can imprint different frequencies in the ionic solution.

It requires the PFG2Z to operate.


Warranty: 1 Year

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iCS: The imprintable Colloidal Silver Accessory

The colloidal silver maker is the latest accessory for PFG (all models) & P3pro (model 2010 onward) devices owners that are interested in Colloidal and Ionic Silver research.


  • High efficiency colloidal silver production (over 50ppm*)
  • 99.99% pure silver electrodes (9999 (4N) Silver Wire)
  • Safe Container
  • Works with PFG/PFG2 series & P3pro 2010 (and later) only

High Efficiency Colloidal Silver Productions

Unlike typical CS kits on the market which usually use very simple DC currents, (typically battery), to move silver particles into suspension from the internal electrodes, the new Pulse Technologies CS attachment utilizes the programmable precision high frequency waveform pulsing provided by the PFG series devices to create  exceptional production of high grade colloidal/ionic silver for user experimentation, of over 50ppm*.  Of even more interesting note, the same user scripts available in the conventional PFG Lab software suite may be used for CS manufacture as well.

99.99% Pure Silver Electrodes

Pulsed Technologies continues to utilize only exceptional grade materials in all manufacturers. Silver electrodes used by Pulsed Technologies are always 99.99% (or better) 9999 (4N) Pure Silver Wire… NOT “sterling silver (92.5% which contains cooper and other toxic metal alloys. Larger diameter rods are utilized to insure long life over heavy use.

Safe Container

The container selected for manufacture of your PFG CS accessory is not made from breakable glass. Understanding the portable travel requirements and health concerns of our customers, Pulsed Tech has chosen a very durable special polycarbonate Nalgene, by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Unlike the understandable health concerns when using conventional plastics, the great weight of scientific evidence from extensive studies demonstrates that the risks from exposure to BPA in Nalgene-type polycarbonate bottles are “negligible and theoretical”.

Healthy and Environmentally Friendly

The container selected for manufacture of your PFG CS accessory is not made from breakable glass. Understanding the portable travel requirements and health concerns of our customers, Pulsed Tech has chosen a very durable special polycarbonate Nalgene, by Thermo Fisher Scientific. Unlike the understandable health concerns when using conventional plastics, the great weight of scientific evidence from extensive studies demonstrates that the risks from exposure to BPA in Nalgene-type polycarbonate bottles are “negligible and theoretical”.

Although a seemingly simple device, the PFG-CS accessory that can be immediately used and benefits realized by any current PFG user. The attachment is affordable and usable by even the novice user… a device NO researcher (casual or professional) should be without.

*Updated/upgraded RIFEforLIFE SquareGENpro units may also be utilized with the Pulsed Technologies CS device and PFG Lab software suite.

Important Note: The PFG “CS” accessory is currently available to current Pulsed Technologies’ PFG & P3pro owners ONLY. P3+ owners can NOT use the CS Accessory with their devices due to absence of the pad output driver module(for contact applications)**

Read more: Pulsed Technologies’ Colloidal Silver Project (PDF)


* as per determination of the CHEM ANALYST SRL laboratory in Romania

** Price & shipping times subject to change! Drastically fluctuating silver prices and silver availability will be reflected in actual price and time frame given.

*** Currently yhe P3+ doesn’t not have the pad output driver module, thus making impossible connecting the CS Accessory (or other accessories, like electrodes/pads). At this a retro-fit is not possible, but we are examining a way to hopefully be able to integrate it in the P3+ configuration. This is one of the reasons for the P3+’s price is lower than a P3 and PFG2Z separetely. Currently, only the P3pro model has this capability, but it utilizes a significantly different power system, layout etc. and is unfortunately a lot more expensive and time consuming to construct. But with the advent of this new device, which is only now becoming available and wasn’t available at the time Pulsed Technologies’ customers ordered their P3+ devices, we are trying to figure out a way to practically and economically add this feature in future or as an upgrade for current units.